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Elderly Commission

The Elderly Commission was established in the same year and its main task is to provide advice to the Government of the HKSAR in the formulation of a comprehensive policy in caring for elders. Commission members are appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, including professionals from elder related services and other sectors, academics, and community leaders.


Community Investment and Inclusion Fund

The Fund seeks to build social capital – to garner mutual trust, spirit of cooperation and social cohesion, and enhance mutual support among individuals, families and organisations so that our community can grow from strength to strength.


The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

The Council serves as a collaboration and co-creation platform that brings together stakeholders for advancing the well-being of Hong Kong community. The Council has over 500 Agency Members that provide quality social services for those in need through their service units all over the territory.


Hong Kong Christian Service

Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) has been working towards a humane and just society. We provide the needy with suitable, professional and quality services genuinely. We care for the disadvantaged and the neglected. We uphold our vision of “Towards a Benevolent and Just Society, Holistic Development for All” by instilling hope, advocating justice and promoting harmony for our people and society.


Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association


Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association strives to advance the spiritual, mental, physical and social welfare of women, to promote their growth in Christian character and to cultivate Christian spirit of fellowship and service.


Caritas Hong Kong

Over the past few decades, Caritas evolved from an emergency relief welfare agency to a multi-service non-governmental organization catering for the needs of people from “womb to tomb”. Its special attention is directed to the needs and aspirations of the Last, the Least and the Lost within the community.

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